首頁 > 石油季刊 > 2023

ISSN 1022-9671
石油季刊 第59卷 第4期
林茂文(Dr. Maw-Wen Lin)
  COP28會議於2023年11月30日至12月12日在阿拉伯聯合大公國杜拜召開,是各國領袖、菁英聚首談判的氣候大會。2015年COP21達成了具有里程碑意義的《巴黎協定》,各國承諾在本世紀實現溫室氣體淨零排放,並將全球平均變暖限制在比工業化前水準高1.5°C以內。2023年是談判大年,全球減排與能源轉型、調適與損失損害、資金與技術支援、化石燃料退場,以及《巴黎協定》後首次全球盤點等均是關注的重點議題。各界對這場會議的結果從絕望到審慎樂觀都有,但幾乎人人都會同意一點:有效的氣候行動刻不容緩。大會因淘汰化石燃料陷入僵持,延會1 天終於達成協議呼籲「以公正、有序與公平的方式逐漸擺脫能源系統中的化石燃料,俾使在符合科學的情況下,於2050年實現淨零排放」;另呼籲到2030 年全球再生能源產能提高兩倍、加速減少煤炭使用,以及加快CCS等技術的發展。
  本篇研究報告首先探討歷年成功的COP 會議及其貢獻,其次統整COP28會前相關氣候峰會的討論與決議事項(包括6月的波昂氣候變遷會議、9月的非洲氣候峰會、G20領導人峰會、以及第78 屆聯合國大會期間可持續發展目標和氣候雄心兩個峰會,各峰會都呼籲COP28時全球要加快氣候行動),再綜析COP28 氣候峰會的關鍵議題與重要成果。臺灣今年派代表參加氣候峰會應會有所獲益,未來亦應配合國際積極推動能源轉型,邁向淨零碳排路徑,惟在執行方面仍將面臨相當大的挑戰。
  The COP28 conference will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12, 2023. It is a climate conference where leaders and elites from various countries gather for negotiations. The landmark Paris Agreement was reached at COP21 in 2015, in which countries committed to achieving net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases this century and limiting average global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. 2023 is a big year for negotiations, with key issues of concern such as global emissions reduction and energy transition, adaptation and loss and damage, financial and technical support, the exit of fossil fuels, and the first global stocktake after the Paris Agreement. Opinions on the outcome of the conference range from despair to cautious optimism, but almost everyone can agree on one thing: effective climate action cannot be delayed. The conference reached a stalemate over the phase-out of fossil fuels, and after a one-day postponement finally reached an agreement calling for "a gradual transition away from fossil fuels in the energy system in a just, orderly and equitable manner, so as to achieve net zero by 2050 in a scientifically sound manner emissions"; it also called for tripling global renewable energy production capacity by 2030, accelerating the reduction of coal use, and accelerating the development of technologies such as CCS.
  This research report first discusses the successful COP meetings over the years and their contributions, and secondly integrates the discussions and resolutions of relevant climate summits before COP28 (including the Bonn Climate Change Conference in June, the African Climate Summit in September, and the G20 leaders summit, as well as the two summits on Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Ambition during the 78th United Nations General Assembly, each summit called for the world to accelerate climate action at COP28), and then comprehensively analyze the key issues and important results of the COP28 Climate Summit. Taiwan should benefit from sending representatives to participate in the climate summit this year. In the future, it should cooperate with the international community in actively promoting energy transformation and moving towards a net-zero carbon emission path. However, it will still face considerable challenges in implementation.

蘇清全(Ching-Chiuan Su)簡至暐(Chih-Wei Chien)涂嘉勝(Chia-Sheng Tu)
  台南盆地所經歷之大地構造活動依序為構造張裂期、構造活動靜止期、構造張裂期與前陸盆地發育期,根據大地構造層序分析結果將其歸納為兩次構造張裂活動與前陸盆地發育期。第一次構造張裂活動期約從古近紀持續至中新世中期,張裂活動高峰期約莫在M8、M10層序堆積時,地層的沉積環境呈現陸相-近岸-海相的變化序列,在台南盆地大部分區域皆可在M8、M10層序堆積觀察到沉積環境明顯轉深之現象。第二次構造張裂活動期由中新世晚期持續至中新世結束,張裂活動高峰期大約在M26 層序堆積時,構造沉陷作用的範圍與特性跟古近紀-中新世中期的張裂事件明顯不同,構造沉陷作用侷限於北部凹陷,東南側緊鄰的中央隆起帶則是在此階段抬升為當時之古地形高區。前陸盆地發育期主要受到上新世以來台灣島造山運動的影響,前陸凹陷的影響程度由東向西遞減,並由沉積環境逐漸加深的趨勢得知前陸凹陷作用有持續加劇的現象,與台灣自早上新世以來造山運動逐漸從東向西擴展的演化過程相應。
  Tainan Basin is bordered by the Yichu Fault on its northwest side, gradually deepening towards the southeast and connecting to the South China Sea Basin. This study use the concept of tectonic successions and their facies tracts to investigate the tectonic evolution of Tainan Basin from its formation to the present, through the investigation analyzes subsurface sequence stratigraphic correlations and sedimentary environments in the basin, shedding light on its geological history.
  The tectonic history of Tainan Basin includes phases of rifting, quiescence, another rifting episode, and foreland basin development. According to the results of tectonic successions analysis, these activities are categorized into two episodes of tectonic rifting and foreland basin development. The first tectonic rifting period persisted from Paleogene to middle Miocene, with the stage of rift-climax is estimated around the deposition of the M8 and M10 sequence. The sedimentary environment during this period changed from continental to nearshore to marine in a sequence. A significant deepening of the sedimentary environment can be observed in most areas of Tainan Basin during the deposition of sequences M8 and M10. The second tectonic rifting period occurred from late Miocene to the end of Miocene, with the stage of rift-climax is estimated around the deposition of the M26 sequence. The extent and characteristics of tectonic subsidence during this period are notably different from the extensional period during the Paleogene to Middle Miocene. The tectonic subsidence during this period was primarily confined to the northern depression, while the adjacent central uplift zone on the southeastern side began to uplift during this phase, forming a highland during that time. The development of the foreland basin was mainly influenced by Taiwan orogenic movement since early Pliocene, and the impact of the foreland subsidence decreased from east to west. The sedimentary environment shows a gradual deepening trend, indicating a continuous intensification of the foreland subsidence since early Pliocene. This corresponds to the gradual westward expansion of the orogenic movement in Taiwan since early Pliocene.

古佳艷(Chia-Yen Ku)伍允豪(Yun-Hao Wu)邱維毅(Wei-Yi Chiu)梁守謙(Shov-Chain Liang)林逸威(Yi-Wei Lin)
  為了提升非洲O 油田B 構造儲集層砂體三維空間分布的預測能力,本研究首先引進聲波阻抗(P-imedance)及橫波阻抗(S-impedance)的井測資料以及重合前震測資料,以解決研究區儲層砂體識別的問題。並利用地質統計學逆推方法尋求滿足多條件約束下(震測、井測、岩石物理、地質統計學、生產等)可能的解。接著透過有效儲層體積篩選排序,可從多組逆推解中選定一組P50 模型做為後續油藏模擬的初始地質模型,此步驟同時提供油藏評估中所需要的不確定性資訊。經盲井驗證,K 層砂體的預測厚度與新鑽井砂體的淨厚度相當接近,顯示本研究應具可信度。未來可進一步區分不同套砂體進行分層地質統計逆推,以提升砂岩預測的吻合度。整體而言,重合前地質統計學逆推透過大量分析工作,求取同步滿足各種資料約束的解,故此方法較適用於探勘、生產等各項資料較為齊備之區域。
  In order to improve the ability to predict the 3D reservoir spatial distribution of sand bodies in B structure of O Oilfield in Africa, this study introduces the elastic parameters of P-impedance and S-impedance from well-logging and pre-stack seismic data to solve the problem of sand bodies identification. The geostatistical seismic inversion method is used to invert possible results that satisfy multi-condition constraints (seismic data, well logging, petrophysics, geostatistics, production, etc.). Through the sorting by screening the effective reservoir volumes, the P50 models can be selected from multiple inversion results. P50 model will be the initial geological model for reservoir historical simulation. This step also provides the uncertainty information required for reservoir evaluation. According to the blind well verification, the predicted thickness of the K-layer sand body is quite close to the net thickness of the sand body from latest drilled well, which shows that this study should be credible. In the future, different sand bodies can be advanced distinguished for layered geostatistical inversion to improve the consistency of sandstone prediction. Pre-stack geostatistical seismic inversion rely on large amounts of analysis to invert the results that simultaneously satisfies various data constraints. Therefore, this method is more suitable for areas where various exploration and production data are relatively complete.

紀景發(Ching-Fa Chi)楊英傑(Ying-Chieh Yang)郭奐廷(Huan-Ting Kuo)何奇律(Chyi-Liuh Ho)李美津(May-Chin Lee)林建琛(Jann-Chen Lin)
  Traditional aromatic hydrocarbon solvents have high solubility and are widely used in industry and people's livelihood, however, such substances containing benzene ring molecular structure are highly volatile organic fat-soluble solvents and have been proven to be human carcinogens. CPC Solvent & Chemicals Business Division has long played the role of stable supplier of various domestic commodity solvent. Due to the above-mentioned problems in traditional aromatic hydrocarbon solvent products while CPC is facing business transformation, it has dedicated to develop environmentally friendly products such as de-aromatic solvents. This research aims to utilize the catalytic hydrogenation process for CPC self-owned raw material to greatly reduce the toxicity and transform it into an environmentally friendly de-aromatic solvent. Since catalytic hydrogenation reaction generates massive reaction heat, in addition to the evaluation test in pilot plant, the feasibility of process scale up is confirmed through process simulation, and finally the trial production and formal production are carried out in the factory. At present, the D80 de-aromatic solvent has been officially roll out in 2022, its product specifications are consistent with those of international manufacturers. After actual verification, the product performance can meet market requirement. This product is characterized by environmental protection, low toxicity, and odorless, and won 19th National Brand Yushan Award (Best Product Category 2022).

劉世安(Shih-An Liu)黃任賢(Jen-Hsien Huang)黃瑞雄(Jui-Hsiung Huang)
  電池提高能量密度的發展趨勢下,目前正極材料主要朝著「高克電容量」及「高工作電壓」之策略進行發展。其中,尖晶石鋰鎳錳氧(LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4, LNMO)高電壓正極材料近年來逐漸受到電池產業重視。由於製程條件的不同,LNMO 存在著P4332 及Fd-3m 兩種空間群結構,兩者對於循環穩定與倍率性能的影響截然不同。P4332 組成有助於循環穩定性,而Fd-3m 組成則可提升倍率性能。在本文中,尖晶石鋰鎳錳氧正極材料LiNi2-xMnxO4,基於材料維持電中性原則,藉由改變Mn 的濃度(即x)對於結構產生不同程度影響,進而增進電性表現。根據實驗結果顯示,當x>1.5 造成Mn3+含量據增而Mn4+含量據減,Fd-3m組成增加並可提升倍率性能,也不影響生產成本。當x<1.5 時,Mn3+及Mn4+含量變化緩和,P4332 組成微幅增加,但伴隨著不存物產生,造成電容量的下降。
  Under the trend of increasing the lithium batteries energy density, the cathode materials are mainly developed towards "high capacity" and "high working voltage.” Among them, spinel lithium nickel manganese oxide (LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4, LNMO) high-voltage cathode material has gradually attracted the attention of the battery industry in recent years. Due to the different process conditions, two space group structures of P4332 and Fd-3m exist in LNMO, which have entirely different effects on cycle stability and rate performance. The P4332 composition contributes to cycling stability, while the Fd-3m composition enhances the rate performance. In this paper, the spinel LiNi2-xMnxO4 lithium nickel manganese oxide cathode materials, based on the principle of maintaining electrical neutrality, are modified by tuning the concentration of Mn (as x) to have different effects on the structure, thereby improving electrochemical performance. According to the experimental results, the Mn3+ content is sharply increased, and the Mn4+ content is sharply reduced when x>1.5. Additionally, the composition of Fd-3m is also increased and the rate performance can be improved without affecting the production cost. But when x<1.5, the contents of Mn3+ and Mn4+ are changed moderately, and the composition of P4332 is  increased slightly. Furthermore, this results in the formation of impurities and the reduction of capacitance.

李昆哲(Kun-Che Li)黃謝文(Steve Huang)吳銘軒(Ming-Hsuan Wu)姜家豐(Chia-Feng Chiang)
  隨著「智慧國土」政策推動及國家安全,油氣能源關鍵基礎設施防護的前提下,台灣中油公司對於轄管各項輸儲設施進行全面工安意識的提升。由於油氣為具高度危險之物質,其輸儲設施的安全性不容出錯,因此,儲槽和管線的維護管理變得至關重要。本文旨在討論管理超過1,590 座儲槽,以確保其結構安全符合相關規範。為了克服既有測量方法因無法全面了解儲槽結構狀況的限制,故引進光達(LiDAR)技術,優化設施管理,運用即時監測數據進行分析以優化設施管理,獲得更精確全面的監測資料。本文將深入探討儲槽沉陷型態和安全評估參數,並介紹目前各參數的測量方法。透過高精度的光達掃描,獲取內外部詳盡數據,再經專用軟體分析驗證,確保符合評估標準。這套測量與建模流程可實現即時了解儲槽狀態。最後,比較傳統測量方法和現代光達掃描技術之外部檢查效益。
  With the promotion of the “Smart National Land” policy and a focus on national security, CPC Corporation, Taiwan is dedicated to enhancing comprehensive safety awareness for the management of various transportation and storage facilities under its jurisdiction. Given the highly hazardous nature of oil and gas, the safety of their transportation and storage facilities is absolutely critical, leaving no room for error. As such, the maintenance and management of tanks and pipelines have become of paramount importance. This article aims to discuss the management of over 1,590 storage tanks to ensure their structural safety complies with relevant standards. To overcome the limitations of existing measurement methods, which cannot provide a comprehensive understanding of the structural conditions of the tanks, LiDAR technology is introduced to obtain more precise and comprehensive monitoring data that. The paper will delve into the subsidence patterns of storage tanks and safety assessment parameters, as well as introduce the current measurement methods for these parameters. Through high-precision LiDAR scanning, detailed data from both the interior and exterior of the tanks are acquired and then analyzed and verified using specialized software to ensure compliance with  assessment standards. This measurement and modeling process enable real-time understanding of the tank's condition. Finally, the external inspection effectiveness of traditional measurement methods and modern lidar scanning technology are compared.