首頁 > 石油季刊 > 2022

ISSN 1022-9671
石油季刊 第58卷 第4期
林茂文(Dr. Maw-Wen Lin)
        本篇報告首先探討COP27峰會面對的關鍵挑戰,包括2022年全球碳排放量上升1%、10年內恐到達升溫攝氏1.5度限制、減碳成效毫無進展及能源危機又成絆腳石等。其次分析各界對 COP27峰會的期許,包括締結「氣候團結盟約」、透過減緩、調適、損失與損害三大機制落實減碳承諾、經濟與低碳的平衡關係等。再綜整分析 COP27會議的成果,包括建立資金係新興經濟體低碳轉型關鍵的共識、透過衛星與AI工具建構氣候追蹤網站能更準確追蹤碳排大戶的責任,以及 COP27峰會閉幕通過「 最終宣言」和「損失與損害」兩項協議的必要性等,而化石燃料之使用沒有被淘汰或削減應是本次峰會遭致批評之處。最後提出臺灣面對淨零轉型的因應做法,包括加強企業碳盤查、2030減碳目標要加嚴、年底完成氣候修法等,否則將遠落後於各大國減碳進度。政府決心2050淨零碳排實屬不易,但強化減碳已成全球共識,氣候變遷的速度也遠比各界預估快,臺灣應積極執行減碳承諾。
      The 27th UN Climate Summit (COP27) to be held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from November 6 to 18, 2022, can be said to be a "perfect storm" of multiple crises! The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war has triggered energy shortages in Europe, soaring global energy prices and inflation, coupled with constant extreme climate disasters, various uncertainties have increased the urgency and importance of COP27. The climate crisis is imminent, but it is also hidden in plain sight. Without filling in the data gaps, it will be impossible to bridge the gap, because it cannot be measured, and it is impossible to effectively control it. In his speech at COP27, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres demanded that the world should speed up the transition to fossil fuels, otherwise the future will be doomed to climate disaster.
        This report first discusses the key challenges facing the COP27 summit, including a 1% increase in global carbon emissions in 2022, the risk of reaching the 1.5°C limit within 10 years, the lack of progress in carbon reduction, and the energy crisis becoming a stumbling block. Secondly, it analyzes the expectations of all sectors of the COP27 summit, including the conclusion of the "Covenant of Climate Solidarity", the implementation of carbon reduction commitments through the three mechanisms of mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, and the balance between economy and low carbon. A comprehensive analysis of the results of the COP27 meeting, including the establishment of a consensus that capital is the key to the low-carbon transition of emerging economies, the construction of a climate tracking website through satellite and AI tools to more accurately track the responsibilities of major carbon emitters, and the adoption of the "Final Declaration" at the conclusion of the COP27 summit ” and the need for two agreements on “loss and damage,” and the lack of phase-out or reduction in the use of fossil fuels should be the source of criticism at this summit. Finally, Taiwan's response to the net-zero transition is proposed, including strengthening corporate carbon inspections, tightening carbon reduction targets for 2030, and completing climate amendments by the end of the year. Otherwise, it will lag far behind the carbon reduction progress of major countries. It is not easy for the government to determine net zero carbon emissions by 2050, but it has become a global consensus to strengthen carbon reduction, and the speed of climate change is far faster than expected by all walks of life. Taiwan should actively implement its carbon reduction commitments.

李政旻(Cheng-Min Lee) 曾雲培(Yun-Pei Zeng) 王羚(Ling Wang) 賴維新 陳朝鈺(Chao-Yuh Chen) 仁耀(Jen-Yaw Chang)
        乙烯衍生物高值化是石油化學業煉化轉型重要目標,聚烯烴彈性體(POE)是目前國內沒有生產且具高經濟價值的乙烯衍生聚合物,本研究以限制幾何結構型觸媒[二甲矽基叔丁胺基四甲基環戊二烯基二氯化鈦]催化乙烯與1-辛烯聚合,搭配助觸媒(MAO)進行共聚反應合成聚烯烴彈性體(POE),因1-辛烯分子較乙烯大,催化共聚合反應觸媒的配位基鍵角(bite angle)大小將影響1-辛烯有效共聚量及聚合活性。實驗使用批次式高壓反應器,在絕水絕氧環境下利用配位基鍵角較大的觸媒進行乙烯/1-辛烯共聚反應研究。調整反應時間、反應溫度、觸媒濃度、1-辛烯濃度等參數探討對觸媒活性、熱性質影響,以控制產物POE物理性質。反應過程中觸媒活性隨著反應時間降低,而1-辛烯被消耗後,高度乙烯聚合導致合成POE有較高熔點和高分子量,因此反應時間控制在10分鐘適合POE合成。溫度對POE合成也有顯著影響,隨著反應溫度的升高,觸媒活性先升後降,在80℃時達到最高,這是由於1-辛烯共聚減少導致熔點上升和結晶量增加。熔融指數(MI)也呈現先升後降的趨勢,於適當條件下觸媒活性可達106 g-POE/g-metal.hr以上。利用熔融指數(MI)探討時間與觸媒濃度對產物分子量影響,可調整聚合反應物分子量,本研究合成出POE-1與POE-2聚合物,進一步分析其物理性質與機械強度,可得到與DOW AffinityTM GA1900及GA1950規格之產品相同物理性質之POE彈性體。
         The catalyst constrained Geometry catalyst (CGC) [(Dimethylsilyl(t-butylamino) (tetramethylcyclopentadienyl) titanium dichloride] with catalytic promoter (MAO) are utilized to polymerize polyolefin elastomer (POE) by ethylene and 1-octene in a batch reactor. In this study, the CGC catalyst with a larger ligand bite angle is utilized to carry out the ethylene/1-octene copolymerization reaction, aiming at the specifications of DOW's representative products. Thus, reaction time, temperature, catalyst concentration are discussed to alter the thermal properties and processability of POE. As the results, the molecular chains of POE could be modified, and the crystallization is improved. However, the catalyst activity decreases according to the reaction time, which showed significantly dropping in the end of run during the reaction. In addition, when 1-octenes are consumed, highly ethylene polymerized resulting in high melting temperature and molecular weight. Therefore, a reaction time of 10-15 minutes is appropriate for POE synthesis. The reaction temperature also plays an important role in POE synthesis. With the increase of the reaction temperature, the catalyst activity rises then falls, and reaches the highest at 80 °C. The decrease of 1-octene copolymerization leads to the increase of Tm and crystallization. MI also showed a trend of rising then falling. Hence, polyolefin elastomer POE-1 and POE-2 are carried out in this study which physical and mechanical properties could fit in with the specification of DOW AffinityTM GA1900 and GA1950.

葉庭瑜(Ting-Yu Yeh) 王志文(Chih-Wen Wang) 楊晴晴(Ching-Ching Yang) 吳泓昱(Hung-Yu Wu) 朱威達(Wei-Ta Chu) 陳冠志(Kuan-Chih Chen)
        Traditional well log data usually takes a lot of time to interpret the formation lithology, porosity and estimate the geological characteristics such as the type of formation fluids. To make the classification of formation fluids more efficient, the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm in artificial intelligence analysis technology is used to classify and predict formation fluids.
       There are common thin oil layers with low resistance values (approx. 15 to 30 ohm-m) in the X oilfield, which may be caused by the mineral composition of the formation or the resolution of well log data collection. If we adopted traditional well log analysis methods, it may be more difficult to effectively identify these low-resistance value thin oil layers than traditional high-resistance value oil layers (great than 50 or 80 ohm-m). By means of improving and comparing the analysis model in AI technologies, different models were used to predict the fluid classification (such as oil layer and water layer, etc.) of each well in X oilfield. Moreover, the established model can be effectively applied to other oil well classification work, and the identification of oil layers and water layers has also been significantly improved. That indicates the established model has a certain degree of confidence, and it is worth using this technology to be widely used in the application of other oil fields to improve the efficiency of multi-well logging analysis tasks.

邱虹梓(Hung-Tzu Chi) 蔡冠男(Kuan-Nan Tsai)
        商業化觸媒裂解工場採用抗釩能力強的高活性舊配方觸媒,之後工場摻煉低釩含量但高鐵含量的進料,造成平衡觸媒(ECAT)活性和氫轉移反應過高,不利於增產柴油或增產丙烯。為了達到媒裂工場生產目標,進行觸媒配方調整工作,工作項目包括(1)調整新配方觸媒的沸石比表面積(ZSA)、基質比表面積(MSA)和稀土氧化物(RE2O3)含量。(2)針對四個新配方觸媒樣品進行微活性測試,得到氫轉移反應降低、丙烯產率升高以及輕循環產率升高等微活性測試結果。(3) 5000噸的交貨觸媒改採用1500噸新配方A觸媒和3500噸新配方D觸媒。(4)調整操作條件、新鮮觸媒添加量以及ZSM-5添加量,達到預期的高效益操作。本研究成功地達到以下新配方觸媒調整之目標:(1) 得到足夠的ECAT ZSA和ECAT活性,(2) 降低ECAT氫轉移反應,提高ZSM-5性能,(3) ECAT丙烯產率由8.5wt%增加至11.0wt%,(4)實際工場丙烯產率由7.5wt%~8.0wt%升高至9.0wt%~10.6wt%。商業化媒裂工場使用新配方觸媒後,成功地降低工場氫轉移指標,藉由增加新鮮觸媒添加量和外加1.0噸的ZSM-5,低反應溫度(ROT=535oC)操作模式能夠達到高煉量、高轉化率和高丙烯產率(=10.6wt%)的成果,與高反應溫度(ROT=550oC,低煉量)操作比較,低ROT操作的每月效益高約5億元,建議工場未來採用低ROT操作。本研究進行的媒裂觸媒配方調整工作,可作為未來工場調整觸媒配方和操作條件的依據,協助工場達到高效益操作的目標。
        High V tolerance catalyst was originally used for a commercial RFCC (Reside Fluidized Catalytic Cracking) unit, and then the commercial RFCC unit changed to blend high amount of feedstock with low V content but high Fe content, resulting in excessive high equilibrium catalyst (ECAT) activity and hydrogen transfer reaction. High catalyst activity is not conducive to increase LCO production or lower propylene production. Adjustment of catalyst formula was carried out in order to achieve the production target of the commercial RFCC unit. The methods of adjustment include (1) Zeolite surface area(ZSA), Matrix surface area (MSA) and RE2O3 content of the new formula catalyst were adjusted. (2) The micro-activity test was conducted on the four new formula catalyst samples. Reduced hydrogen transfer reaction, increased propylene yield and increased LCO yield of the four new formula catalyst samples were obtained. (3) The 5,000-ton delivery catalyst was changed to 1,500 tons of new formula A catalyst and 3,500 tons of new formula D catalyst. (4) The operating conditions, fresh catalyst addition rate and ZSM-5 addition rate were adjusted to achieve the production target. The following results show that this study successfully achieved the goal of adjusting the new formula catalyst: (1) Sufficient ECAT ZSA and ECAT activity were obtained. (2) The new formula catalyst provided lower hydrogen transfer of ECAT, thereby improving the performance of ZSM-5. (3)ECAT propylene yield increased from 8.5 wt% to 11.0 wt%. (4)The propylene yield of the commercial RFCC unit increased from 7.5wt%~ 8.0wt% to 9.0wt% ~10.6wt%. After using the new formula catalyst in the commercial RFCC unit, the hydrogen transfer reaction of the commercial RFCC unit has been successfully reduced. By increasing fresh catalyst addition rate and adding 1.0 tons of ZSM-5, the low ROT (535oC) operation mode achieved the production target including high throughput, high conversion and higher propylene yield.  Compared to the high ROT(545oC, low throughput) operation mode with the old formula catalyst, the low ROT operation with the new formula catalyst increase in unit profit by about 500 million yuan per month.  Successful catalyst formula adjustment and industrial application on the commercial RFCC unit were obtained in this study, as the basis for the future increase of the profitability of the refinery according to market prices.

邱德俊(Der-Jiunn Chiou) 劉定忠(Ting-Chung Liu) 范嘉榮(JIA-RONG FAN) 廖權能(Chyuan-Neng Liao)
        Pipelines and overhead high voltage ac transmission lines share with same corridor are very common situation. In that situation, pipeline could be suffered with AC interference and cause pipeline corrosion, which is always a big issue for pipeline integrated. 
        The inductive effect of HVAC threatens the safety of underground pipelines at all times. Pipeline with good insulation coating will showed more serious AC interference. The AC interference from the overhead high voltage ac transmission lines can be classified into three categories: capacitive, resistive and inductive. Inductive interference is the dominant interference mechanism. It should be induced voltage difference alone pipeline. AC current is generated if the voltage difference was high enough, and leave pipeline at low resistance area to make coating dis-bond and corrosion.
        In general, the level of AC interference depends on several factors including geometry factor like the distance between the overhead high voltage ac transmission and the length of parallelism. Coating quality on the pipeline and soil resistivity along the common corridor will also affect the AC interference.
        In this article, we performed difference testing for recognizing hazards induced by AC transmission line. For the pipeline showed high possibility or higher risk of AC corrosion followed CNS 15993-1 standard, we also done some trials of using different grounding to make AC current inducted on pipeline was drained. Different grounding resistances showed various levels on AC voltage on pipeline. Based on the results from several experimental, we make a design of eliminating AC interference on specific drainage location. We are also understood the AC interference should be decrease to safety level when the design applies on the highest AC location.

劉世安(Shih-An Liu) 黃任賢(Jen-Hsien Huang) 黃瑞雄(Jui-Hsiung Huang)
        在正極材料「低鈷」及「無鈷」的發展趨勢下,尖晶石鋰鎳錳氧(LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4, LNMO)高電壓正極材料近年來逐漸受到電池產業重視。在本研究中,透過鎳錳「濃度分佈變化」之前驅物燒結後,可獲得LNMO核殼材料,並搭配各種分析技術來驗證核殼結構的正確性,找出最佳核殼組合方式。文中闡述了核殼材料整體鎳錳相同,僅鎳錳濃度分佈不同,卻有著截然不同的電性表現。倍率表現主要由內層的組成影響表現,循環壽命方面主要由外層結構影響。改質後的最佳LNMO核殼材料10C放電電容量維持率達87.7%,200圈充放循環測試電容量維持率達78.5%。此外,配合公司轉型及研發成果商品化的政策,綠能所將於近期完成LNMO前驅物共沉澱反應試量產設備建置,期望未來可搭配本公司即將量產的鈦酸鋰(Li4Ti5O12, LTO)負極材料,可應用在大型動力電池系統之開發。
       Under the development trend of "cobalt-poor" and "cobalt-free" cathode materials, spinel lithium nickel manganese oxide (LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4, LNMO) high-voltage cathode materials have gradually attracted the attention of the battery industry in recent years. In this study, LNMO core-shell materials are synthesized after sintering the precursors with the "concentration distributions" of nickel and manganese, and various analytical techniques are used to verify the correctness of the core-shell structure and find the optimal core-shell combination. This paper reveals that the overall nickel-manganese of the core-shell material is the same, only the distribution of nickel-manganese is different, but it has a completely different electrochemical performance. The high discharge capacity is delivered from the composition of the core component, and the high structural stability is achieved by the composition of the shell component. The modified optimal LNMO core-shell material has a capacity retention rate of 87.7% at the 10 C discharge test, and a 200-cycle charge-discharge cycle test with a capacity retention rate of 78.5%. Recently, the Green Technology Research Institute has completed the construction of trial production equipment for LNMO precursor prepared from co-precipitation reaction in compliance with the company's policy of transformation and commercialization of R&D results. Through the cathode materials used with the lithium titanate (LTO) anode materials which will be mass-produced in the future, we expect that the combination of these two materials can be applied in the development of large-scale power battery systems.