首頁 > 石油季刊 > 2021

ISSN 1022-9671
石油季刊 第57卷 第4期
林茂文(Maw-Wen Lin)
        為避免人類活動所產生的溫室氣體造成無法逆轉的氣候變遷,聯合國政府間氣候變遷委員會於2018 年指出全球必須於2050 年前達成淨零排放(Net Zero Emission, NZE)。目前已有130 餘國宣示於2050 年前達成此目標,並透過立法與政策等手段限制產業的排碳行為。作為化石燃料主要供應者的油氣探採業,在淨零排放的趨勢下,將面臨需求下滑與成本提高的挑戰,成功轉型與否將影響公司的存續。
        本研究以協助國內油氣產業研擬2050 淨零排放因應策略目標。首先探討2050 淨零排放對於油氣探採業之影響,再彙整國際油公司因應作法與前瞻技術發展現況,接著分析國內油氣產業之現況與利基,最後提出因應策略之建議。研究成果期望可作為國內油氣探採業策略研擬之參考。
         After the United Nations Climate Summit (COP26) is held in 2021, carbon neutrality has officially entered the era of globalization commitments. The world should limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, otherwise the earth will face an irreversible tragedy; and to achieve carbon neutrality The goal of peace, the next 10 years will be a critical period, and countries should reduce carbon by 45% by 2030. To this end, the Chinese government has established a netzero emission path assessment working group, which has decided to review the original carbon reduction target for 2030 and complete a comprehensive long-term strategy assessment report before the end of 2022. Achieving the goal of carbon neutrality is a complete revolution for the energy industry. Accelerating the adjustment of production methods and reducing carbon emissions have become the consensus of large oil companies. In this context, more and more oil companies have formulated a carbon neutral strategic path, especially those oil companies that are in a leading position in the carbon neutral strategic layout, such as Shell, Bp, Total, etc., have proposed a phased approach. The strategic path to achieve net zero carbon emissions has established a carbon emission indicator system, as well as action plans to address climate change and achieve carbon neutrality goals. This report first elaborates that the COP26 climate summit reached a consensus on the need to accelerate the global energy transition, and also to increase the speed toward net zero carbon emissions and reduce coal use. Secondly, it discusses the proposed transformation of major international oil companies under the constraints of carbon neutrality. And comprehensive energy companies mainly engaged in renewable energy have put forward various strategies and emission reduction action plans to ensure the chance of achieving net zero by 2050. Finally, the two major oil companies in Taiwan’s net-zero carbon emission strategy and transformation methods are reviewed. It is recommended that the government should take more active actions to promote Taiwan’s energy transition, establish clear and quantitative key indicators, and specific action plans to ensure carbon neutrality. And the smooth implementation of the strategy.

陳維彥(Wei-Yen Chen)徐偉智(Way-Chih Hsu)蔡志勇(Chih-Yung Tsai)黃麟強(Lin-Chiang Huang)李聖德(Sheng-De Li )高瑞富(Jui-Fu Kao)黃銘郁(Ming-Yu Huang)林建琛(Jann-Chen Lin)
       二烯(Dicyclopentadiene, DCPD)導入,作為聚苯醚材料核心,開發具有低介電常數(Dielectric constant, Dk)與散逸係數(Dissipation factor, Df)的DCPD 衍生物樹脂,可應用於5G 高頻基板領域,並建立軟性基板增層膠配方設計、材料特性驗證以及製程調控等技術。透過調控參數所自製出之軟板增層膠,經測試相關性質顯示其具有優越性質,其玻璃轉化溫度(Tg)比商業產品配方高出28-59℃;而電氣性質Dk/Df @ 10 GHz 最佳為2.40 / 0.00351。
        隨著5G 世代的爆炸性發展,高頻高速樹脂原料供不應求,以致價格居高不下,若能即時投入市場填補每年數百噸以上的空缺,將能有莫大利基。本公司DCPD 聚苯醚合成及製程技術已取得中華民國專利,該樹脂之高頻軟板增層膠配方專利申請中,除此之外,目前正進行噸級試量產且產品經銅箔基板廠測試性能已驗證合格,未來將量產投入高頻基板樹脂產品市場,成為另一擁有相關技術之供應廠商。
       In recent years, as electronic products tend to be lighter, thinner, shorter, mobile, and high transmission rate, the electronic industry technology has been promoted to develop in the direction of thinner, high-frequency, high-speed and high-density packaging. Semiconductor integrated circuits and other electronic components are assembled together on the printed circuit board through electronic packaging technology. The flexible printed circuit (FPC) board has a threedimensional configuration that can be bent and can meet the requirements of the product to achieve any shape and curvature, and is more suitable for applications in the Internet of Things and wearable devices.
        With the high development of mobile communications, there is an urgent need for the development of high-frequency, high-speed, and functional FPC. In order to develop low dielectric constant and low transmission loss FPC materials, dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) with high heat resistance, low polarity, low moisture absorption, and low dielectric properties is introduced to be the core of polyphenylene ether materials. DCPD derivative resins with low Dk/Df are developed, which can be applied to the field of 5G high-frequency substrates, and build FPC bonding sheet glue formula, material characteristic verification and manufacturing process control. The self-made FPC bonding sheet made by adjusting the parameters has been tested and the relevant properties show that it has superior properties. Its glass transition temperature (Tg) is 28-59℃ higher than the commercial product formulation and the best electrical properties Dk/Df
@ 10 GHz is 2.40/0.00351.
           With the explosive development of 5G, high-frequency and high-speed resin raw materials are in short supply, resulting in high prices. If it can be put into the market immediately to fill the vacancies of hundreds of tons per year, there will be a great niche. The company's DCPD polyphenylene ether synthesis and process technology has obtained a patent from the Republic of China. The resin's high-frequency FPC bonding sheet formula patent application is in progress.
At present, it is undergoing trial mass production of 1000 kilograms and the performance of the product has been verified by copper clad laminate factories and passed. In the future, the mass production of DCPD polyphenylene ether resin will be put into the market of low loss resin for mmWave communication and become another supplier with related technologies.

黃乙倫(Yi-Lung Huang)紀蕙青(Hui-Ching Chi)葉庭瑜(Ting-Yu Yeh)沈建豪(Chien-Hao Shen)王志文(Chih-Wen Wang)陳冠志Kuan-Chih Chen)黃德坤( Te-Kun Huang)
         2021 年聯合國氣候峰會(COP26)召開之後,碳中和正式進入全球化承諾的時代,全球應將氣溫上升限制在攝氏1.5 度之內,否則地球將面臨無可逆轉的悲劇;而要達成碳中和的目標,未來10 年將是關鍵時期,各國應在2030 年減碳45%。為此,我國政府已成立淨零排放路徑評估工作小組,決議將重新檢討原訂2030 年之減碳目標,並將於2022 年底前完成長期策略綜合評估報告。
        本報告首先闡述COP26 氣候峰會達成對全球能源轉型要加快推動、要增速邁向淨零碳排及削減煤炭使用的共識,其次探討在碳中和制約下國際大石油公司擬轉型為以新及
再生能源為主之綜合性能源公司,所提出之各種策略與減排行動方案,以確保到 2050 年實現淨零的機會。最後綜整臺灣兩大石油公司的淨零碳排策略與轉型之道,建議政府應採取更積極的行動推動臺灣能源轉型,建立明確量化的關鍵指標、可操作的具體行動方案,以確保碳中和策略的順利實施。
        To avoid anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions causing irreversible climate change, IPCC has indicated that the globe must meet Net Zero Emission(NZE) by 2050. There are more than 130 countries that have claimed which they will meet the goal above and adopt legislation and policy to constrain industries’ emission behavior. As a major fossil fuel provider, the E&P industry faces the challenges of declining demand and rising costs. A successful transition under the trend of NZE will define the sustainable development of a company.
         This study aims to assist the domestic E&P industry in developing strategies to deal with NZE. First, the impact of NZE on the E&P industry is discussed. Second, the international oil companies’ response strategy and measures are analyzed. Third, the present situation and niche of the domestic E&P industry are analyzed. Finally, the response strategy suggestions are proposed. The results can be a reference for developing response strategies to NZE.

難降解含氮有機廢液之曙光 ─高級氧化技術在煉油廠廢液處理之應用
黃毅峰(Yi-Fong Huang)張士元(Shih-Yuen Chang)姜博仁( Po-jen Chiang)周宜成(I-Cheng Chou)凃茂園(Mao-Yuan Tu)呂國旭(Goa-Shee Leu)王逸萍(Yih-Ping Wang)
        本研究係提出一種可處理含高濃度氨氮有機組成廢水之方法及系統,透過一種高效率方法同時催化氧化降解廢水中高濃度氨氮及有機汙染物,特別係可在不需事先去除有機懸浮固體、不需事先調整pH 值、及無需經過稀釋之操作條件下,利用紫外光照活化、或微量過渡金屬催化特定之氧化劑、或藉由該兩者聯合加成之催化氧化方法,對高濃度工業廢水中的氨氮及有機毒害物進行高效率氧化降解,以達到同時降低(或完全去除)廢水中之氨氮及有機碳含量,再依實際需求進行後中和調整,使符合生物處理條件、排放水質標準或回收用水標準。藉此高效率催化氧化技術,可將煉油廢水中的烷基、芳香族、脂肪族、及雜環化合物、石油碳氫化合物等各類毒害有機物降解外,並可同時將廢水中氨氮轉化成無毒害之氮氣(N2)及硝酸氮(NO3−-N),而該反應後水中之氨氮(NH4+-N)與硝酸氮之含量均可有效大幅降低,甚至完全去除。
        The present research relates to processing organic ammonia-nitrogen wastewater; more particularly, to a high-efficiency method of simultaneously catalyzing, oxidizing, and degrading high-concentration ammonia-nitrogen and organic pollutants in wastewater, where the removal of organic suspending solids, the  beforehand adjustment of pH value, and dilution are not required; and catalyzing oxidation is processed by activating a certain oxidant with ultraviolet (UV) illumination, catalyzing the certain oxidant with a trace of a transition-metal, or both of the above two operations. The benefits are to satisfy the condition and reduce the loading of biological treatment units, or even to reach the effluent standards or recycling standards. The proposed highefficiency method could treat refinery wastewaters including alkyl compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic hydrocarbons, petroleum hydrocarbons, and so on. And the contained ammonia-nitrogen (NH4+-N) could simultaneously degrading to nitrogen (N2) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3−-N), or even to be completely removed.

黃冠傑(Kuan-Chieh Huang)
        台灣中油公司從2016 年開始致力於鈣鈦礦太陽能模組(Perovskite solar module)自主研發,至今歷時五年,目標是希望將該模組確實導入生活應用,並增加商品化的可能性。目前公司已能一手包辦整個模組製程運作,主要採用半自動化、單次多片產出作業方式, 其中技術特色包括, 適用於大面積(≧ 5 cm × 5 cm)、完全真空鍍膜(Vacuum
deposition)、雷射切割(Laser scribing)、金屬遮罩(Metal mask)導入以及封裝製程(Encapsulation)。現階段所製得之模組(結構組成:玻璃(Glass)/氧化銦錫(ITO)/非化學計量
比氧化鎳(NiOx)/鈣鈦礦(FAPbI3)/富勒烯(C60)/鋁(Al),面積:5 cm × 5 cm)於AM1.5G 條件進行量測,可獲得最大輸出功率(Pmax)及光電轉換效率(PCE)分別約為37.5 mW 及4.01%結果,相關製程所使用的基板溫度為110 oC,而FAPbI3 薄膜的厚度為500 nm。在面積10cm × 10 cm 模組方面,目前如此尺寸的模組於大氣環境下已能提供約142.1                mW(Pmax)及3.24%(PCE) (AM1.5G 量測條件)之性能表現,並藉由UV 膠水的封裝效力,該模組Pmax 可以在大氣環境下維持穩定不遞減長達至少一週時間。
            A perovskite solar module has been developed for practical use and commercialization in CPC Corporation, Taiwan since 2016. The processes of the module, featuring production of largearea (≧ 5 cm × 5 cm) device, totally vacuum deposition, laser scribing, mediation of metal mask, and encapsulation, are accomplished using semi-automation and mass production techniques. The module with 5 cm × 5 cm in surface area, consisting of glass, ITO, NiOx, perovskite FAPbI3, C60,
and Al, can deliver the best maximum output power (Pmax) of 37.5 mW and power-conversion efficiency (PCE) of 4.01% under AM1.5G illumination so far. The substrate temperature and the FAPbI3 thickness are controlled to be 110 oC and 500 nm, respectively, for the relevant processes. Moreover, 142.1 mW (Pmax) and 3.24% (PCE) can be generated by a module having surface area of 10 cm × 10 cm at AM1.5G in the atmosphere. Such a module is encapsulated by UV encapsulant and placed in the atmosphere for stability evaluation. The performance in Pmax of the encapsulated module shows a steady trend at least in a duration of one week.

淳品公司營運效率提升 -以康運輪裝船為例
蔡盛明(Tery Tsai)黃戊辰(Harry Huang) 邱朝東( Donny Chiou)許庭瑋(Tim Hsu)
        康運輪是中油目前運載半成品油的油輪之一,主要是從台北港裝載LSR、輕質循環油(LCO)、烷化油(ALK)南運大林廠,並從大林廠裝載甲基第三丁基醚(MTBE) 、萃餘油(RAF) 等至台北港,經長途管線泵至桃園廠,其中是最大宗,LSR 約占總運量的65%以上。LSR在裝船作業中會產生大量的VOC(主要是C3/C4/少量的C5),需要將VOC 加以處理不能 直接排放,否則會有嚴重的環境汙染,且有潛在工安危險,更嚴重的是,違背台北港綠色生態港的政策。目前台北港油氣處理主要是用冷凝回收,油輪裝載效率提升主要關鍵是冷凝回收機的效率,本文針對減少LSR 揮發、船艙VOC 稀釋、空載船艙IG 惰氣置換及船艙配置等幾個因素進行研究及改善。
        The wharf is a necessary facility for ship berthing and loading and unloading operations, and it is also one of the most important facilities in the port. It is the general term that completes the combination of water, road, cargo, passenger, and conversion functions. The utilization rate of the terminal is a key indicator of operational efficiency. For the same cargo volume, the shorter the loading and unloading time, the more ships can be arranged, and the company's operating volume and port throughput will increase. 
         Tankers mainly transport crude oil or its refined or semi-finished products and chemicals. The volatilization of oil and gas (VOC) during the loading process is a key factor in loading efficiency.
          Kang Yun is one of CPC’s current tankers carrying semi-finished oil. It mainly loads LSR, LCO, ALK from Taipei Port to Dalin Plant, and from Dalin Plant to MTBE, RAF, etc. to Taipei Port, and pumps to Taoyuan Plant via long-distance pipelines. Among them, LSR is the largest, and LSR accounts for more than 65% of the total volume. LSR will generate a large amount of VOCs (mainly C3/C4/a small amount of C5) during the loading operation. VOCs need to be treated and cannot be directly discharged. Otherwise, there will be serious environmental pollution and potential industrial safety hazards. Yes, it violates the policy of the Taipei Port's green ecoport.
         At present, the oil and gas processing in Taipei Port mainly uses condensation recovery. The main key to improving the efficiency of tanker loading is the efficiency of the condensation recovery machine, and the factors affecting its efficiency depend on the concentration and flow rate of VOC. Therefore, this article studies and improves several factors such as reduction of LSR volatilization, cabin VOC dilution, empty cabin inert gas replacement and cabin configuration.