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石油季刊 石油季刊

2024   60卷1期(2024/03/27)

ISSN 1022-9671
石油季刊 第60卷 第1期
歐盟CBAM 啟動對台灣產業影響之研析
林茂文(Dr. Maw-Wen Lin)
  「排碳有價」的時代來臨,「淨零、減碳」已成為競爭力的關鍵。歐盟自2023 年10月1 日起試行碳邊境調整機制(CBAM),並預計於2026 年對進口產品課徵碳關稅,直接出口歐盟的製造商將首當其衝,該法案規範碳密集產品進口至歐盟須依法購買憑證並申報碳排放,納管產業包含水泥、電力、肥料、鋼鐵、鋁、氫,化學品及塑膠則列入評估。CBAM上路試行,初期以收集數據為目的,僅要求進口商提交碳排放相關報告,尚不需繳交碳邊境稅,隨著碳金融化、商品化,長期下來將影響一個國家或企業的運作、現金流甚至是國際地位。臺灣現行貨物稅已有碳稅性質,政府採碳費先行政策,環境部擬於2024 年開徵碳費,未來將視CBAM 進展及國內碳費執行狀況,評估推動碳稅之必要性。
  本篇研究報告首先探討歐盟設立 CBAM 的用意,主要是希望避免「碳洩漏」的情況。其次統整主要國家對於歐盟啟動CBAM 之因應措施,再綜析臺灣2024 年邁入排碳有價時代,並啟動碳費與國際碳權交易平台,帶領臺灣往淨零碳排的目標前進。根據本研究評估,CBAM 對臺灣主要影響產業為鋼鐵業與石化業,總體上對經濟影響不大;惟未來CBAM 可能擴大產業範疇,或其他國家也加入課徵,則影響將會增加。CBAM 的實施對臺灣而言是加速淨零碳排的契機,政府與廠商可藉此檢討現行產品單位能耗、碳排的衡量範疇與制度,以接軌國際淨零碳排趨勢。
  The era of "carbon emission has a price" has arrived, and "net zero and carbon reduction" have become the key to competitiveness. The EU will trial the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) from October 1, 2023, and is expected to impose carbon tariffs on imported products in 2026. Manufacturers directly exporting to the EU will bear the brunt. This bill regulates the requirements for carbon-intensive products imported into the EU. Purchase vouchers and declare carbon emissions in accordance with the law. The managed industries include cement, electricity, fertilizer, steel, aluminum, hydrogen, and chemicals and plastics are included in the assessment. CBAM is on trial for the purpose of collecting data in the initial stage. It only requires importers to submit carbon emission-related reports and does not need to pay carbon border tax. With the financialization and commercialization of carbon, it will affect the operation and operation of a country or enterprise in the long run. cash flow and even international status. Taiwan's current goods tax has the nature of a carbon tax. The government has adopted a carbon fee first policy. The Ministry of Environment plans to levy a carbon fee in 2024. In the future, the necessity of promoting a carbon tax will be evaluated based on the progress of CBAM and the implementation of domestic carbon fees.
  This research report first discusses the EU's intention to establish CBAM, mainly hoping to avoid "carbon leakage". Secondly, we summarize the response measures of major countries to the EU's launch of CBAM, and then comprehensively analyze Taiwan's entry into the era of carbon emissions pricing in 2024, and the launch of a carbon fee and international carbon rights trading platform to lead Taiwan towards the goal of net-zero carbon emissions. According to the assessment of this study, the main industries affected by CBAM in Taiwan are the steel industry and the petrochemical industry, but the overall impact on the economy is not significant; however, in the future, CBAM may expand the scope of industries, or other countries may also join the levy, the impact will increase. The implementation of CBAM is an opportunity for Taiwan to accelerate net-zero carbon emissions. The government and manufacturers can use this to review the current measurement scope and system of product unit energy consumption and carbon emissions to align with the international net-zero carbon emissions trend.

李佳勳(Chia-Hsun Lee)黃乙倫(Yi-Lung Huang)巫聖哲(Sheng-Zhe Wu)戴紫陽(Tzu-Yang Tai)陳冠志(Kuan-Chih Chen)黃德坤(Te-Kun Huang)
  One of the gas well deliquification techniques, foam lift utilizes the surfactant to remove the liquid loading from the gas wells and increase the production. The main purpose in this study is to make the assessment of foam lift before the techniques are introduced. The technical information and surfactant samples are collected to make the experiment, including surface intension, debubble, emulsions break, foam lift and wastewater tests etc.
  With the produced fluid in Chu-Huang-Keng (CHK) gas field, the experiments are performed with three different surfactants, one defomer and one emulsion breaker. The results showed that all surfactants actually have the abilities to lift up the liquid. However, the condensates would dramatically decrease the foam lift efficiency. Moreover, the produced wastewater would increase the COD and eliminate the bacteria in water to affect the biodegradation pools.
  Based on the technical information and experiment results, the in-situ foam lift test is recommended with the soap ball method, which has simple operations and lower cost than other methods. The produced wastewater is suggested to dispose by batch to maintain the abilities of biodegradation pools.

蘇俊吉(Chun-Chi Su)陳孟宏(Meng-Hung Chen)蔡冠男(Kuan-Nan Tsai)方彥朝(Yen-Chao Fang)吳柏毅(Po-Yi Wu)
  本文在製程安全管理(PSM)之機械完整性(MI)架構下,探討製程管線被認可和普遍可接受好的工程實務(Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices ,以下簡稱 RAGAGEPs),包括設計、建造、安裝、操作、維護和檢查等,並透過失效案例的解析以及應用之成功實例,來說明RAGAGEPs在提升製程管線操作安全性和可靠度之重要性,由過去火災爆炸事故解析結果顯示管線洩漏和不符合以及無充分應用RAGAGEPs 有關,此說明RAGAGEPs 於管線安全管理之重要性,反之,善用RAGAGEPs 並充分解析流程設計和操作條件,可鑑別出製程管線腐蝕劣化問題以及定義出風險,再應用高度有效性檢查技術,執行ITPM,能有效發現瀕臨洩漏之問題,及早檢修,避免危害物質(丙烯、氫氣)大量洩漏所引起火災爆炸之工安和環保問題,進而降低非計畫性停爐之停產損失和維修成本,兼顧安全和生產。
  This paper discusses RAGAGEPs of process piping under the framework of Mechanical Integrity (MI) of Process Safety Management (PSM), including design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance and inspection, etc. The importance of RAGAGEPs was revealed in improving the safety and reliability of process piping operations by analyzing failure cases and successful applications, The results show that the fire and explosion accidents caused was related to non-compliance and insufficient application of RAGAGEPs. On the contrary, It can identify the corrosion damage problems of the process piping and define the risks by applying RAGAGEPs. Application of a highly effective inspection technology and implement of ITPM can effectively detect the problems on the verge of leakage and to repair them early. And then Fires and explosions can be avoided due the large leakage of hazardous substances (propylene, hydrogen). It can reduce l safety and environmental problems, thereby reducing the loss of production and maintenance costs caused by unplanned shutdowns, and achieving the effect of predictive and preventive maintenance.

羅珮純(Pei-Chun Lo)陳惠君(Huei-Chun Chen)翁堉翔(Yu-Hsiang Weng)
  產品碳足跡為產品的生命週期,從原物料取得、製造、配送、使用到最終處置各階段的溫室氣體排放,經轉換為二氧化碳當量的總和,可協助我們了解產品對環境的影響,亦能做為達成溫室氣體減量目標的工具之一,是一種與民眾溝通的新媒介。本研究以國內第一項完成產品碳足跡盤查及查證的潤滑油脂產品「國光牌一號耐水極壓滑脂」為探討對象,說明產品碳足跡盤查相關制度及產品碳標籤申請流程與重點;以上述產品之產品碳足跡盤查做為實例,根據環境部產品環境足跡類別規則進行產品碳足跡盤查,包含目的與範疇界定、盤查過程、衝擊評估及闡釋。盤查及查證後結果顯示,「國光牌一號耐水極壓滑脂」之產品碳足跡為1.86 kg CO2e/kg,主要貢獻為原物料取得階段,占產品碳足跡91.70%。其中,為符合產品環境足跡類別規則一級數據的10%規範,本研究亦結合鐵桶供應商盤查,將原有的製造階段與原料取得階段的比例自7.84%提升至17.61%,並於112 年7 月送出「國光牌一號耐水極壓滑脂」的產品碳標籤申請,且於9 月獲證,作為中油公司首張產品碳足跡標籤別具意義,未來結合供應鏈,共同減碳將更為重要。
  The quantification of a carbon footprint of a product (CFP) takes into account the entire life cycle of a product, including acquisition of raw material, production, transportation, use and endof- life treatment. The CPFs enable us to understand more the impact of the products to the environment. More specifically, the quantification of a CFP provides us a guideline for future reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission and a new rout for pubic communications. In this study, we report the first CFP inventory assessment and verification of a grease product according to the product environmental footprint category rules (PEFCR) issued by Ministry of Environment (MOENV). The guideline for life cycle inventory assessment was exemplified by the CPC Water Resistant E.P. Grease No. 1, including goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact analysis and interpretation. The results show that the CFP of the CPC Water Resistant E.P. Grease No. 1 is 1.86 kg CO2e per kg. Furthermore, the stage of acquisition of raw material dominated the CFP, representing 91.70% of GHG emissions. However, the primary data was not fulfilled the PEFCR guidelines in which the minimum ratio of CFP contributed from production to acquisition of raw material should be greater than 10.00%. Fortunately, while we included the inventory  analysis of the drum suppliers, the resulting primary data increased from 7.84% to 17.61% and met the requirements from PEFCR. Additionally, the procedures for applying carbon footprint label in Taiwan was demonstrated. The CPC Water Resistant E.P. Grease No. 1 has been filed for carbon footprint label application in July 2023 and passed the reviews from MOENV in September 2023. This study provides latest information regarding carbon footprint label application in CPC Corporation, Taiwan and demonstrates the significance of supply chain collaboration towards net zero emissions.

莊高樹(Kao-Shu Chuang)藍琮竣(Tsung-Chung Land)黃瑞雄(Jui-Hsiung Huang)楊家敦(Chia Tun Yang)黃謝文(Hsieh-Wen Huang)陳志平(Chin Ping Chen)
  The utilization of hydrogen is a global trend. It is a better choice in Taiwan’s 2050 net zero emissions. The interaction between hydrogen and metals is a research topic attaining an increased attention from both academic and industrial point of view. The detrimental effect of hydrogen on the material's mechanical integrity is acknowledged as the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) phenomenon or hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC) or hydrogen permeation. Corrosion and hydrogen damage cause problems to oil and gas industry equipment. Its hydrogen permeation current density is high and hydrogen blocking effect is weak. In this work, electrochemical hydrogen permeation tests were carried out to obtain the steady-state hydrogen permeation current of steel. The hydrogen permeation experiment was conducted in the Devanathan-Stachurski (DS) cell. The hydrogen permeation current starts to increase after adding HCl+Na2HAsO47H2O for about 4000s, and the hydrogen permeation current rises to about 4.5 μA cm−2.

黃冠傑(Kuan-Chieh Huang)楊義強(Yi-Chiang Yang)賴立中(Li-Chung Lai)
  本研究主要是利用人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence,簡稱AI)技術針對台灣中油股份有限公司所擁有的太陽光電系統案場進行太陽能板影像辨識之分析及探討,其中以無人機空拍方式蒐集AI 模型在訓練時所需之影像資料。因此,我們藉由該AI 模型成功地辨識出太陽能板陣列區塊圖形,相關準確程度高達八成以上。本研究進一步透過AI 模型與紅外線熱影像之整合,再以常態分布模型作為推論基礎,有效地從太陽能板影像中取得相對高溫生成的位置,據以判斷疑似缺陷存在之處,並可採用自行設計之應用程式及其使用者介面迅速達成。
  This study mainly focuses on the image recognition of solar photovoltaic systems for CPC Corporation, Taiwan by using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. The construction of relative AI training model is accomplished through a large amount of image data collected by unmanned aerial vehicles. Such an AI training model gives an accuracy of more than 80% for the image recognition of solar panels. The study further combines an AI training model with infrared images of these solar panels in order to identify the locations of heat generation on the basis of concept of normal distribution model. The defects of solar panels resulting in high temperature may be thus clarified. Moreover, an application program and its user interface are established to assist us with the thermal identification at the end of this study.